Google Adwords… Yep, that’s what others are using, so I’ll get onto it too. How do I set that up?

Maybe I should use Facebook Advertising?

Health practice owners often ask us questions like:

Should I use Facebook or Google Adwords?


What about local paper advertising?

Before being able to answer what the best marketing tactics are, you need to know more about your market in order to be able to craft a relevant message for them.

Once you have that information, then you can make a more informed decision about which ‘media’ or marketing channel will be the most effective form of reaching that audience.

The 3Ms of Marketing (in order) are:

1. Market

Who are they really? Who is your target audience?

Start by picturing a really specific person with a particular type of problem, then ask yourself;

  • What is the conversation they are having in their head?
  • What are their hopes and fears?
  • What is their pain point? What keeps them awake at night?
  • Who do they ‘hang’ out with, and who may have influence over their decisions?
  • Where do they hang out? Where do your patients come from?
  • What are they interested in?

2. Message

If there is ONE piece of gold we could suggest here – it would be for ANY message you craft, stick to answering ONE particular problem at a time.

Imagine reading a flyer about How To Brush Your Teeth Correctly…  all you want are the instructions for brushing your teeth correctly, but the flyer gives you instructions about braces for straightening teeth.

While it may be a great flyer, it’s simply NOT RELEVANT to the problem you have.

Make sure your message and solution are clear, specific, and refer to one problem. Make it relevant.

Marketing is just as much about education, as it is about communication.

3. Media

Once you have worked on your Market and Message, you’re now ready to think about what kind of Media to use to reach your audience.  

There are many channels for you to take a look at: Facebook, Google Adwords (Price Per Click advertising), YouTube… the list is long.

Make sure to think about what the goal is of your marketing campaign.

Are you reactivating patients, or are you after new patients?

More Frequency + More Channels = More Effective Marketing Communication

You CAN use a mix of channels in your campaign – just make sure you’re clear on your campaign goals before you decide on the mix.

And DON’T FORGET your own, professional or personal NETWORK is often the best place to start.

Hopefully, you can now see – asking the question ‘What Media should I be using?’  for your next marketing campaign is a little premature if you haven’t already got your Market and Message in play.

Answer the above questions about your market and ensure your message is relevant BEFORE you choose your media.

Marketing Next Steps

Need more direction with marketing? Get in touch with The Hive team or post your questions in the Hive Members Facebook group.

Until next time,
The Hive Team