Effective Meetings – How To Run Level 10 Leadership Agendas
1. Which Meetings Are Important In Your Practice?
The team members in the average health practice are unfortunately often a bit ambivalent about meetings. However, effective meetings are an essential tool for maintaining focus on what’s important to keep the business on track and improve.
An effective meeting cadence could be developed like this:
- Strategic Planning Meetings – scheduled annually, preferably off-site
- Quarterly Planning Sessions – every three months to check-in on the big picture and define quarterly “rocks”
- Leadership Meetings – preferably weekly, and at least monthly for small teams
- The Huddle – a daily formal check-in (preferably conducted standing up in a huddle)
- Team Alignment – Perhaps quarterly the first time you do it, and then at a 6 or 12 month interval on an ongoing basis to help the team feel they are contributing to the practice big picture
Specific suggestions for agendas and how to facilitate these meetings in your practice follow on the the Hive member training.
Purpose – why meetings are important
Need to be productive =>