Podiatry Survey

Podiatry Hive Survey For Members

Which Areas Would You Like The Most Advice In?

To help us deliver the most relevant information to our members, we would very much appreciate if you complete a short “Business Challenges” survey.


This will help us deliver exactly what you require in both of the live mentoring sessions each month.

What’s Coming Up In May?

Wednesday 1st May – 7am – Live Mentoring Webinar

The importance of getting clear on your “WHY” and your “WHAT”

Do what ever you can to get onto this webinar delivered by Troy Parsons and his long term mentor, Greg Gunther.

They will be sharing with you the importance of getting extremely clear on your“why”and your“what”.

The reason for this topic is that when you are clear about your why and your what, the“how to”will present itself.

In order to take your practice to the next level, you have to have a clear“why”– and you also need to be able to describe exactly what you are going to create. This training is extremely important and you will walk away with specific tools on exactly how you can work on your why and what.

PLUS – you will have the chance to ask direct questions to Troy and Greg.

(NOTE: you will receive a webinar confirmation from Citrix this afternoon – it will come from Andrew’s GoToWebinar Account)

Wednesday 15th May – 7am – Live Mentoring Webinar

Ultimate Time Management Accountability

Andrew Roberts is highly regarded as one of the world’s leading experts on time management and productivity.

His presentation on“Kung Fu Productivity”has completely transformed the way that his high-paying private clients think about their businesses, so get ready to stop working“harder”and start working“smarter”

Wednesday 22nd May – Newsletter Issue 1

Please keep an eye out in your post for the first issue sometime after May 23.

Negotiation Webinar Recording

You now have immediate access to all the recordings inside the membership area.

You will also receive a CD each month that will be posted out with the monthly newsletter.

If you would like to revisit the “Negotiation” recording right now, then you do so at this link …


  • Learn why negotiation is so important and that we are negotiating every day
  • Understand how to reach compromise instead of resolution and find a win win every time
  • How to help someone really understand what it is you want and why its a must for them to help you get it
  • We uncover an amazing template to turn you into a negotiation master

There is also an accompanying negotiation handout …

If you have any further queries, please email assist@hivepractice.com

Warm Regards
Troy Parsons and Andrew Roberts