About Brian Fitzpatrick
Brian began his journey as a personal development educator over 30 years ago when he started working with young people with disabilities. It was a great foundation for developing a sense of tolerance and being able to value the difference in others.
As principal coach at his private consulting business, Headspace, Brian assists businesses in a variety of industries and government departments to develop sustainable communication and relationship frameworks to enhance end enrich the client experience.
He also works with national teams, state sports academies and professional sporting organisations, including the Kookaburras ... the Australian men's hockey team.
At The Hive, Brian works with practice owners and their teams to develop a culture of high-performance and improve their "soft skills".
Entries by Brian Fitzpatrick
The Importance Of Clarifying The Big Picture Context In A Healthcare Business
in MAP/by Brian FitzpatrickAs a business owner, it’s possible that you have competing contexts about your treatments. For example, you may feel pressure to see more patients to increase profits, at the same time you feel you need to spend MORE TIME with each patient to give the best patient care. Contextual misalignment may also arise between you […]
Emotional Intelligence – How To Harness Emotion To Steer Your Business
in MASTERY/by Brian FitzpatrickEmotional Intelligence … while a common buzz phrase for some – is the “something” in each of us that is a bit intangible. It affects how we manage behaviour, navigate social situations and make personal decisions to achieve positive (or sometimes negative) results. In business you may have heard people say ‘take the emotion out […]
The Inner Life Coach vs Inner Critic
in MASTERY/by Brian FitzpatrickDid you know that we say 400 negative things a day to ourselves through thoughts and our inner dialogue? … If I sat in front of you and did that – you wouldn’t like me very much would you? As we take our journey towards self and life mastery it is really very important that […]
Telling LIES for Business Success in Your Podiatry Practice
in MASTERY/by Brian FitzpatrickPodiatry business owners are renowned for sabotaging their best laid business plans. Have you ever been guilty of looking at someone in your life and wondering “why does he/she always seem to get what they want?” … “why does he/she have all the luck?’ “why can’t I achieve what they are?” … Well quite possibly […]
Involve To Evolve. Asking for Help…
in MASTERY/by Brian FitzpatrickAll the HELP you need is there for the asking … … Heard that one before? You would have heard it thousands of times, but when have you truly put it to action? For many of us asking for help is fraught with danger, stress and worry. What if we inconvenience them? … What if […]
The Podiatry Business Success Loop
in MASTERY/by Brian FitzpatrickIt’s like the decision you make when you decide to get fit. You’re passionate about the change you’re about to have. You prep your running or gym gear the night before. Lay out your running shoes and socks. Your alarm goes off at 5:45am; you’re up and out the door for your first jog/walk/run/stretch in […]
Identifying Podiatry Business Management Interferences
in MASTERY/by Brian FitzpatrickEver felt like there is an invisible force – a ‘rope’ if you like, tethered to the ground – stopping you from moving forwards? Sometimes when you are working towards a particular goal in your Podiatry practice, something gets in the way of you achieving it. Sometimes it is like a big brick wall […]
Fear Flags For Podiatrists
in MASTERY/by Brian FitzpatrickAre the goals you have committed to in your podiatry practice a bit “wishy-washy”? Commitment is continuing to do what you said you would do, long after the initial feeling you had when you made the commitment has passed. For example, imagine that you attend a Podiatry Business RESET conference and make the commitment to […]