Complaints Pathway; Policies and Procedures


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Communication is the response I get. If you get the wrong response, change your communication.

Or, another way to think on it behaviour breeds behaviour…

This month in Podiatry Hive we have focused on some of the best ways to increase referrals from patients… One sure fire way to increase your referrals is to provide outstanding outcomes, service and treatment.

Now  you may be wondering what this has to do with the Complaints Management Process (CMP) 
But forming lasting relationships and trust with your patients is a key part of a successful CMP.

At The Podiatrist, Troy and his team recently decided to put the spotlight on their CMP.

Watch this weeks video to discover:

  • Why we learn more from our failures than our successes?
  • This mindset that drove Troy to create a Complaints Pathway Policy and Procedure.
  • Why you should embrace complaints.
  • Why this Policy is vital to encourage above the line behaviour in your business
  • How you can use Complaints i.e. feedback – to your advantage.
  • How you can, not only diffuse and rectify a complaint, but you can create a lasting relationship with the complainant, even creating a Raving Fan.
  • How you can use these situations as a training tool for your team going forward.

People often, genuinely just want to be heard. Given the opportunity most people will calm down. All patients need to know you will listen.

As always; Seek First to Understand Before Being Understood.

We hope you enjoy this weeks video and it provides either the system to follow or the opportunity for you to review your own practice CMP and Procedures.

Til next time,
The team at The Hive