Creating a Winning Culture in Your Podiatry Practice

Why do we want a good business culture, and how can we create a winning culture?

A strong, winning culture brings many benefits – both to the lives of your employees and your patients. It rewards you many, many times over.

Culture illustrates the norms, values and behaviour of a team or group. It typically encompasses an business’s values, vision, working style and the beliefs and habits that dictate how each member of the team acts, and how those actions are perceived by the clients they serve.

Podiatry Hive Director and Co-Founder Troy Parsons, has an interesting take on business culture.

Troy believes culture to be one of the most important aspects in his practice.

He describes it as Why we do things the way we do them around here, and why we are doing them in the first place. What it means to be human?

Culture is the glue that holds an organisation together and is often one of the hardest things to copy or replicate (which also provides an element of competitive advantage).

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