Fear Flags For Podiatrists

Are the goals you have committed to in your podiatry practice a bit “wishy-washy”?

Commitment is continuing to do what you said you would do, long after the initial feeling you had when you made the commitment has passed.

For example, imagine that you attend a Podiatry Business RESET conference and make the commitment to increase the turnover of your podiatry business, or get the practice into shape for sale. You feel incredibly motivated, and set your grand vision with an aim to start implementing the changes that will move you towards your goal as fast as you can.


However, what inevitably happens is that the rest of business and life starts to get in the way. (A FEAR FLAG gets in the way)
Perhaps a team member leaves, and you start to tell yourself that the “commitment” you made either has to be put on hold or that it wasn’t realistic in the first place.

Question The FEAR … Not the Commitment

A really good strategy that will help you STICK to your commitments is to flip this around … Instead of questioning the actual commitment, start to question the FEAR. If a good team member leaves, why shouldn’t you be able to attract someone to step into that role.

If there is something showing up in your business right now that seems difficult, take it on (rather than allowing it to make you question your commitment)


There is no such thing as an uncommitted person.
If you want to know what you are committed to, look at the results in your life-that’s what you are committed to!

  • When I am clear about my commitment, I am focused on ACTION
  • When I an unclear about my commitment, I procrastinate
  • When I am clear about my commitment, I do my job
  • When I am unclear, I talk about doing my job.
  • When I am clear about my commitment, I maintain my INTEGRITY
  • When I am unclear, I maintain my image
  • When I am clear about my commitment, I play so everyone WINS
  • When I am unclear, I play to look good
  • When I am clear about my commitment, I know my INTENTIONS
  • When I am unclear, I am confused and full of doubt