Foot Health

The Foot Health Check

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A full, annual assessment system for your patients.

Let’s call it – regularity or complacency …I’m not sure if you’re guilty of it, but I know in the past that I have been. It’s not like we do it on purpose – but at times, when we see our regular patients, we can get in the habit of doing the same procedure or treating the same thing – each time we see them.We get caught up in conversation and catching up, and before we know it – the appointment is over and we know we’ll see that person again in 6wks or so. Job done. The risk with this is that we may miss a dermatological issue, or a biomechanical or footwear concern – and that’s not good enough…So, at The Podiatrist, before we got stuck in that habit – we put in place the Foot Health Check system. Check out this week’s blog video to learn more…

Download the Foot Heath Check and discover:

  • That it’s like a GP Annual Check Up for your patients feet.
  • That it can become very easy to have your blinkers on, when you’re treating the same patient – for the same thing for many years, to miss issues that may be or have, the potential to cause problems.
  • That this is especially true with our regular General Footcare patients who we may be seeing every 2-3 months.
  • This system is to provide a thorough, Annual Check Up where everything is assessed – including neurovascular status, dermatology, muscle testing, gait analysis, footwear, biomechanical examination and orthoses.
  • The system provides consistency across your practice, and also with your patients and referrers.
  • That it provides excellent for training your team.
  • It provides your patients and their GP referrers, a comprehensive Foot Health Assessment report – every 12 months.
  • It enables you to then confidently provide specific recommendations and explain how these can be implemented.

We’ve also provided you with the full system (policy and procedure) and the forms to use for the check.

Let us know how you go implementing the Foot Heath Check drop us a note via the Forums to give us an update.


Click here for the Foot Health Checks Policy and Procedure.
Click here for the Foot Health Checks Forms.

2 replies
  1. Mark Heard
    Mark Heard says:

    Good stuff Troy. I’m wondering the specifics of how you & your team promote or market this to your patients? I can see the benefits but how do you educate patients on the benefit of this? Also when it comes to multiple item numbers used on the same day, I have found funds like Health Partners not accepting multiple codes on one day eg. F012 + F118. Any thoughts?

  2. Troy Parsons
    Troy Parsons says:

    Hi Mark, we promote via our handouts in our pt info packs, our newsletter and our powerpoint on the big screen and reception. We use it with DVA and the GPs love it. I don’t worry about the health funds too much, who patients are with is their choice. it is a very comprehensive assessment that provides them with a tangible and valuable report on the other side. And yes the costs and what is involved is explained prior to their commitment. As for educating patients on the benefits, that is what we do as practitioners. We educate.

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