Sole Motion Podiatry – Justin Kalopa
Member Profile
Name: Justin Kalopa
Name of Clinic: Sole Motion Podiatry
Where do you operate: Point Cook, Melbourne
How long have you been in business?
Since February 2014. I became frustrated with the clinics i was working in at the time, so decided to open up a little spot in a medical centre in point cook. I was getting caught up in the 25 patients per day & patients in & out the door – there wasn’t any ‘getting to know’ the patients – it just seemed like a production line. So, I opened Sole Motion as a difference to the conventional & now offer a modality that is new to a lot of podiatrists
What attracted you to Podiatry?
I was working in London with Harlequinns rugby league at the time as a sports massage therapist & at one particular clinic I was working with this kiwi guy. Every time I would pass his room, he’d be washing people’s feet. I asked him one time what sort of work he did – and he said podiatry.
I then proceeded to follow what he was doing day in & day out & became fascinated by the scope of what he did – from biomechanics to nail surgery, simple general treatments to working with elderly & kids! I found it fascinating & decided to head back to NZ & study further. I actually applied for an osteopathy degree & got accepted but changed my mind & went for my second option. So glad I did – I’ve met so many wonderful people along the way.
What’s driving your passion to be a Podiatry business owner and how will you pass this on, into your business and practice culture?
Honestly, I don’t know … I just enjoy helping people get better. I’m not a natural leader – I find with all that, I tend to lose direction, so I’m a straight – one simple task at a time kinda guy.
What are the largest business challenges facing you right now?
- Financial management – I’m not a numbers guy & this side of the business really curls my nostrils – (cashflow)
- Monitoring performance – understanding KPIs & how they are an integral part of the health of the business.
- Developing a strong team culture where we resonate with our core values
What are the 3 worst things you have seen in Podiatry?
- Crooked bosses & dodgy Medicare fraud staff members
- (this one time, at band camp) I got chased by a dementia patient around an aged care facility – she kept yelling that I was the devil coming to take her legs!!!
- My patient had her knickers wrapped around one ankle & it was awkward! To diffuse the situation, I said – oh you’ve got a tissue tangled around your sock – in which I then gave her the opportunity to remove it whilst I turned my back to write my notes on the computer – as I turned around, she was using it to wipe her nose! What the hello! Keep in mind she had poor eyesight!!
What are the 3 best things you have seen in Podiatry?
- When there is a team focused approach & plan for the patient – they feel a lot more empowered & that people really care about their well-being
- When a patient has instant relief from pain due to a simple intervention
- Holding my first soccer tournament last year called the Sole Motion Podiatry cup – that was pretty special!
Other than being a fabulous Podiatrist, what do you do outside of Podiatry?
- Spend time with my family – my special place
- Lift heavy objects – just for the sake of good muscle & brain health
- Play ukulele & teach my kids to enjoy music as a form of relaxation