Imagine waking up on a Monday morning. Today, you don’t feel like going to work.
So, you call your practice and you speak with your Practice Manager and say, “I’ve decided we’re going to take a month off, have you got things covered?”
The reply is a chirpy, “Absolutely! You have the best time. Don’t call us – we have it covered.”
You travel for the next month and come back to your practice. You walk in and the practice is humming. Your reception team is chirpy, and the practice is full of eager clients waiting to see their practitioners.
You check the bank balance and you smile as you notice that the last month has been the most profitable yet. You have easily covered the $15k you just spent on your overseas trip – and you also have another $25k in new cash sitting in the account.
This is possible. You can have this.
Troy Parsons has proven it is real.
The video above explains the most important business lesson you need to learn when it comes to having a practice that works without you.
It’s true.
The less you work, the more money you will make.
(You’ll need to watch the video for this statement to make sense to you.)
With the right planning and focus, you CAN create a practice that runs without you (if you want to).
P.S. If you want to fast-track your journey in creating a leveraged practice, click here to book a complimentary strategy call.