Mary Marsh – Saxon Footcare
Member Profile
How long have you been in business?
21 years
What attracted you to Podiatry?
I wanted to be in a caring profession
I knew of people who had trouble with their feet and wanted to help
What’s driving your passion to be a Podiatry business owner and how will you pass this on, into your business and practice culture?
Having built my business from scratch I want to keep it going after I retire by passing on my knowledge to the younger generation
What are the largest business challenges facing you right now?
As a sole trader working in one room I need to expand into bigger premises and build a team
Waiting for change of use to go through it is hard to sell the dream without something to show
What are the 3 worst things you have seen in Podiatry?
- Ulceration
- Very bad onychochryptosis
- Onychogryphosis 4cm long and 1cm thick
What are the 3 best things you have seen in Podiatry?
- Cured onychochryptosis
- Cured onychogryphosis
- Patients who have limped into clinic walking out without pain
Other than being a fabulous Podiatrist, what do you do outside of Podiatry?
- I have 4 grandchildren who keep me busy
- I sing in Rock Choir
- Play Badminton
- Abseiled down the Express Lift tower in Northampton and raised £580 for Alzheimers research
- I like to swim and I like Ceroc ( a form of modern Jive)