One Page Practice Plan

Often when we brainstorm, or put energy into ?planning? in our business, this swirl of activity is then very often followed by a period of ?in-activity?

This is caused mainly by that feeling of ?I just don?t know where to start? … the good thing to know is that

  1. This is normal! ; and
  2. You CAN tackle it – simply.

… In fact, the most effective way of starting to plan in your Podiatry practice is to create a One Page Practice Plan.

There was a time when long business plans ruled.

But lengthy business plans are long gone and there are many business principles to argue why this is so, and the One Page Practice Plan is a very simple formula you can follow.


  • The plan should start with setting the vision for the 2-5 year goals (the 30,000 ft view).
  • You then bring the focus down to what you would like to achieve in the next 12 months in order to move towards the bigger picture goals (the 20,000 ft view).
  • Then, you need to create a 90 day action plan and keep resetting the action plan on a quarterly basis (the 10,000 ft view)
  • A great tip is to put this on a whiteboard in your office and keep adding 2-3 weekly runway actions each week … ?what are your three to thrive???

An excellent way to really get on top of, and start to get some framework around your business … but the KEY to your One Page Practice Plan is IMPLEMENTATION …

Your plan can take on many different permutatations ? but this is a, simple and effective way that works really well on just ONE page …

until next time,
Greg Gunther