Podiatry Practice Marketing And The Importance Of Working “On” Your Business

If you are the owner of a podiatry practice, you are not just a Podiatrist. You are in the business of marketing a podiatry practice.

The Opportunity Costs Of Investing All Your Time Treating Patients

If you completely fill your appointment schedule each week, you are not making the best use of your time as a podiatry practice owner.

Imagine you are billing about $1000 per day for 4 days per week, and your monthly billing totals about $16,000 per month. One hour invested in seeing patients nets around $150 into your podiatry practice. In this case, you reach your capacity very quickly, but there is no window of opportunity left for further growth. Additionally, you get locked in to always being involved in the income generation

On the other hand, imagine the flow-on effects of investing one hour into …

  • Training a new podiatrist
  • Explaining what you do to a new potential referrer to your podiatry practice
  • Developing a marketing strategy

These kind of high-value tasks for a podiatry practice owner should be at least $1000 per hour tasks, and in some cases the dollar value will be much higher, because you will continue to reap the rewards of your initial time investment on an ongoing basis.

What Is Marketing For A Podiatry Practice Owner?

Troy likes to think about podiatry practice marketing as being a combination of one percenters …

  • increasing your margin
  • increasing the spend commitment of a particular patient
  • introducing or educating patients about other ways in which you can provide more value or help them further with their existing problems

In our experience, this final point is particularly relevant for the majority of podiatry practice owners, because the education of existing patients is usually given a low priority.

Many people who have been to a podiatrist are not even aware of all the problems that you can can help them solve. For example, many of your clients may not even realise that you can assist with increasing athletic performance, or improving their running style.

You have an opportunity to create educational based materials which also serve as marketing collateral.

Marketing Is Not A Dirty Word For Health Professionals

Marketing covers much more than simply “finding new patients”.

As a Podiatrist, you should think about approach your marketing strategies from the perspective of

  • how you can help both your new and existing patients with their existing problems
  • how you can provide a better service and add value

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