Should You Stop Bulk Billing and Raise Your Podiatry Practice Prices?

Should You Stop Bulk Billing and Raise Your Podiatry Practice Prices?

There is an ongoing debate in the podiatry professional about whether or not to BULK bill patients in your practice. Podiatry practice owners often have strong views one way or the other, and for all our members, it’s worth visiting the member forums on this topic.

However, in the video above (filmed at a Business RESET event) Troy Parsons explained why he made the decision to stop bulk billing and raise prices.

Troy’s main concern was that with Bulk Billing, he was not able to afford to give his patients the best possible treatment.

He instigated 4 key changes to enable his practice to deliver a better patient experience:

  1. Raised the price of an appointment
  2. Stopped bulk billing
  3. Employed an allied health assistant
  4. Reduced the number of appointment TYPES that were available

Interestingly, the patient drop-off from these changes was minimal about 3%

If you haven’t raised your prices in a while, please seriously think about whether your practice profitability is affecting your patient outcomes.

Would love to read your thoughts below.

4 replies
  1. Lyndon
    Lyndon says:

    Raising prices always makes us worry. We have always been the top chargers locally but saw that our profits were diminishing as overheads soared. Raising consult fees across the board by 10-20% (£4-£10 podiatry) was met with total indifference by our patients. Indeed one e mailed us to say worth every penny! No loss of patients resulted, it was a real eye opener!

  2. Alice Olson
    Alice Olson says:

    Thanks for sharing the information. It looks like the podiatry prices keep on changing. Looking for the best Podiatrist in Texas? We provide absolute diagnosis, care and treatment for dealing with foot problems. You can contact our excellent team of podiatrists in San Antonio for assistance.

  3. Kristi Webb
    Kristi Webb says:

    Thanks for sharing the article. The podiatry prices are higher in some places. If the services are best, we are ready to pay. Our team of podiatrists in San Antonio, TX provides consultation for foot problems. Visit us to know more about the services.

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