Practice Management Solutions and Systems To Run A Health Business

This video explains which practice management solutions are the most important and how to document processes so that anyone in the practice can provide a consistent experience to your patients that always reaches the standard that you’ve defined as “best-practice”.

As a health practice owner or practice manager, you can improve both the value of your practice and the quality of your patient experience by rolling out best-practice systems in the business.

Need a hand? Here’s how we can help …

Patient Management Software Is Not The Only Important Practice Management Tool

While patient management software is most likely your first investment when systemising your practice, you should consider which other tools you need to manage other “functions” in your practice.

The functionality of these tools should cover:

  • Office Workflow Automation, Task Management & Communication
  • Operations Manual (Intranet)
  • File Management
  • Content Management (CMS) – Advertising | Website | Social
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping
  • Practice Management – (PMS)
  • Marketing Automation
  • SCOREBOARD / (Business Intelligence)

Here’s a table with some “best practice” business management tools which the video above explains in more detail.

Best practice management solutions and health business systems

Process Documentation

Aaghh! Who wants to do such a boring job?

This, along with not knowing how to do it are the primary reasons that most practices either don’t have any operations manual, or only have documented processes for a few of the activities that go on in the business.

However, if you want a practice that:

  • doesn’t rely completely on you, and
  • is very attractive to a broad range of potential buyers if you choose to sell

… then you need process documentation.

Empower Your Team To “OWN” Your Operations Manual

If you don’t know where to start, think about which things in the practice can only be done by you.
Can they be repeated? The first processes to document should always be the ones in which you are the bottleneck.

My recommendation is to start with what we call a “Functionality Workshop”. The purpose is to list and then categorise all the business activities that take place in your practice, and time permitting, flowchart out the processes that are critical to the running of the practice.

There is a powerpoint starter and agenda for helping to facilitate a functionality workshop in the Hive Resource Library.