Team Meeting Agenda For A Business Using Asana

In our business, we use a project management app called: ASANA to manage and record our team communications.

It’s essential to define your own, ideal team communication cadence in your Podiatry business. Typical types of meetings you may implement are …

  • the team daily huddle
  • the weekly executive meeting
  • the quarterly planning day
  • the team alignment session

The video above explains how you can use the ASANA app to manage a team meeting.

The Team Meeting Agenda For A Health Practice

Part 1 – The Schedule

  1. Good news story (5mins) – can be business or personal
  2. Scorecard (5mins) – getting a grip on the important metrics
  3. Rock Review (5mins) – how are you going in relation to the important quarterly projects
  4. RUNWAY => 3 2 Thrive (Done or not done) – address “not done” in part 2
  5. Customer/Employee Headlines (5mins) – anything else important

Part 2 – The ISSUES

Solve any of the issues that arise during part one of the agenda

Watch the video to see a live example of how to run a team meeting and record it using ASANA.

Members Only Team Communication Resources

The Hive members have access to many more in depth team training resources.