The Four Forces: A Path to Reflection and Growth

In our busy lives, it’s essential to take a moment to pause and reflect. The concept of the “Four Forces” is a powerful tool to help us do just that. This exercise is not only a great way to bring us into the room mentally but also to foster a sense of gratitude and focus.

Gratitude and Reflection

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us felt the passage of time accelerating. Birthdays and milestones seemed to come and go faster than ever. This feeling often stems from not taking the time to pause and reflect on what we are grateful for. We might achieve our financial goals, but there’s always more to appreciate in our lives. Reflecting on our achievements, the challenges we’ve overcome, and the courageous decisions we’ve made helps us recognize our growth and progress.

Understanding Numbers and Narrowing Focus

One key aspect of reflection is understanding our numbers. When we don’t fully grasp what drives good or poor performance, we tend to do a lot of unnecessary tasks. However, gaining control over our numbers helps narrow our focus. We realize that many activities we thought were essential are just distractions, preventing us from making real progress. This insight allows us to move past these distractions and focus on what’s truly important.

The Four Forces Exercise

This exercise has been a staple in our mastermind sessions and has proven to be a transformative experience for many. Here’s a breakdown of the Four Forces:

  1. Gratitude: Start by reflecting on what you are proud of and grateful for in your life, not just at work. This helps ground you in the present and appreciate your journey.
  2. Growth: Look back over the past two years and identify your achievements and the areas where you’ve had to break through challenges. Acknowledge the growth and learning that have occurred.
  3. Incompletes: Consider what still needs to be done. However, critically evaluate whether these tasks are still relevant or if they are merely distractions (or “star jumps”).
  4. Aspirations: Think about what needs to change in the next 90 days to move you closer to your goals. This helps set a clear direction for your efforts.

The Importance of Outcomes

In the middle of these reflections, always consider the why, what, and how. The most critical question to ask yourself is, “What is my outcome?” This question helps you determine whether your actions will lead you towards your desired goals.

A great example comes from the New Zealand America’s Cup challenge, where the team leader had a sign above his door asking, “Will this make the boat go faster?” This question ensured that every decision made contributed to their ultimate goal. Similarly, asking yourself about your outcome can help you stay focused and avoid unnecessary distractions.

Embracing the Four Forces for Personal and Professional Growth

The Four Forces exercise is a valuable tool for personal and professional growth. By regularly pausing to reflect on gratitude, growth, incompletes, and aspirations, and by keeping your desired outcomes in mind, you can ensure that your efforts are aligned with your goals. This approach not only helps you achieve more but also brings a sense of fulfillment and clarity to your journey.

Take some time today to go through this exercise. Reflect on your gratitude, acknowledge your growth, identify your incompletes, and set your aspirations. And always remember to ask yourself, “What is my outcome?” This practice can transform your approach to both work and life, leading to greater satisfaction and success.