The Necessity of Training Your Team
I can’t tell you how many times I have been told, You are better off training your Team members and they leave – than not training your Team members and they stay.
Yet for years, training in my practice was next to non-existent.
Chet Holmes, author of The Ultimate Sales Machine, describes the following guidelines for training your Team (I have added a couple of my own here too)
- Training sets standards. Training allows your Team to understand the minimum requirement. It fosters consistency, and consistency is a cornerstone to trust – from your Team, your referrers and from your patients. It saves you wasting time fixing the same problem, time and time again. Consistency allows you to continually enhance your relationships.
- Training makes you money. Training is $1,000/hour work. If your Team knows what they need to do in any situation, they are less likely to get stressed. They are more likely to enjoy themselves; and guess what? They are less likely to leave… Staff retention and staff happiness equals money saved.
- Training is proactive. When we don’t train we are reactive, we are playing below the line I know if I was in a life threatening situation that required CPR I would much prefer someone attending to me, who updates their CPR and First Aid annually, rather than someone who has watched way too many episodes of RPA. It is vital we train our Team to deal with every situation and to optimise results.
- Repetition is the Mother of skill. I stole this from Tony Robbins. Anything we, or anyone else does exceptionally well, is a result of repetition. So when we plan our training programs, repetition is the oft overlooked vital ingredient! Chet Holmes also suggests rotating core material regularly, so the key concepts are constantly reinforced and ingrained. He continues with – skills are impacted permanently with consistent repetition.