Happifeet Podiatry – Shoe Shop & Podiatry Clinic – Tram Phan
Hive Member Profile
Name: Tram Phan
Name of Clinic:
Happifeet Podiatry – Shoe Shop & Podiatry Clinic
Where do you operate:
At 2 locations … Springfield Lakes and Middle Park in Brisbane, Queensland

Tram Phan
Can you tell us about yourself and your business journey?
I married my high school sweetheart Kenny, and we have 2 boys – Ethan and Noah.
I started my practice part time in 2004 while working for someone else, and then went full-time in 2007. Not many people I know believe that I am a business owner. I was extremely shy at school and public speaking is definitely outside of my comfort zone, but I knew that I needed to conquer this fear in order to grow as a business leader.
What attracted you to Podiatry?
Growing up with aching legs at night and sore feet during the day from having flexible flat feet and wearing inexpensive, non-supportive shoes made me appreciate good comfortable shoes later in life. This has made me passionate about helping parents look after their kid’s feet, reducing pain in children and protecting them from future problems.
I wanted to do something in health and was offered a spot in the Podiatry course at Q.U.T so I thought why not?
However, I did have my doubts during the course.
My friend borrowed my textbook one day and found that I had put post it notes all over the pictures… (They were covering up pictures of foot ulcers, gryphotic nails etc). He asked if I would put post-it notes on a patient’s foot when I don’t like what I see!
Since practicing podiatry, I have found that I enjoy the ability to use podiatry to make people happy by relieving their pain and discomfort. I also enjoy listening to patients life stories and learning from their experiences.
Also – I would say that I’m probably over compensating for not having good shoes as a child because my 2 boys seem to have a pair of shoes for every occasion!
What drives your passion to be a Podiatry business owner and how will you pass this on, into your business and practice culture?
After having children I was at a crossroads and wondered if I should just stay at home and be a full-time mum and housewife. However, I had a strong desire to continue my efforts to achieve my dream of owning a successful podiatry business. I had a vision of creating a place where we had the ability to help people be happy, healthy and active so that they can lead the life that they want and be free of pain. I also wanted to teach my boys to have the courage to go after your dreams.
Something else that motivates me in business is an inner drive from my family history. Both my parents were Vietnamese boat refugees and I feel that I shouldn’t waste the opportunity that they have created for me here in Australia. These values are translated into our 4 core cultural values:
- We show care & respect
- We pursue excellence
- We value relationships, and (most importantly) …
- Remember to Be Happy
What are the largest business challenges facing you?
Not being a workaholic. To know when and where to draw the line between work time and family time. It is hard to switch off sometimes. I’m learning everyday how to trust and delegate appropriately.
Can You Tell Us About Your Hive Journey?
I admire the other Hive members for their charity work and massive success in their practices and all the knowledge they have gained from achieving those goals.
I joined The Hive Mastermind coaching program in July 2014. Earlier that year I had 2 weeks living in the unknown while waiting for a diagnosis from my Neurologist. He was looking for signs of MS or a brain tumour. Being in a MRI tunnel with the thoughts of possibly leaving my 2 boys and husband behind was so overwhelming I could hardly keep still from crying so much. Luckily the results were all clear.
Since then I have had a new perspective. I decided that I was going to go after my dreams. This was my chance to give it a go. Time here on earth is limited so why not make the most of it.?
After joining the Mastermind group, I spent 12 months working with my coach to tackle my fears and guilt about being a working mum. I had resented the business at the time and looked at it as a burden rather than a gift.

Happifeet Podiatry – Springfield Lakes and Middle Park
The next challenge was spending many months looking for the perfect premise to relocate so that we could create the clinic we have always dreamed of. We went on to complete 2 major relocations/fit-outs within a 12-month period. Then we spent a year getting our team together and working towards creating the practice we really can be proud of.
So now, years later, I have a different mind-set and feel that I have a choice in what I want to do with my life and I choose to continue to build and create a business of value to myself, my family, our team and our patients and customers. It’s bloody hard work, but I truly believe it is worth it.

Brian Fitzpatrick and Tram Phan
The coaching process helps to keep me on track as well as challenge my self-beliefs that have held me back from being the leader that I want to be. My husband has been my rock through this whole journey and my boys have been amazing! I know now that I am destined for greatness and I have fallen back in love with the business again. The best part is not feeling alone on this business journey. The support and generosity from the other practice owners in the mastermind group is always very comforting through all the highs and lows of owning a business.
Thank you to the whole Hive team (past and present) for creating another path for me to travel where I can have my cake and eat it too!
What are the 3 worst things you have seen in Podiatry?
As a podiatry business owner …
- Dealing with a team member who was bullying me and other team members.
I had to confront her about it without exposing the business to Fairwork. It was one of the worst 7 months of my business life. This betrayal of trust is the most painful experience I’ve ever had to go through to date.
As a podiatrist …
- Seeing a neuropathic diabetic patient in my first year out of university lose his toe. At the time, I felt totally responsible for it. In hindsight, the result was inevitable given the circumstances, but I couldn’t help feeling like the worst podiatrist in the world at that moment.
- When a financially wealthy patient with a mental and physical disability came to us after being prescribed 3-4 pairs of customised orthotics and fully custom-made shoes by another podiatrist. They didn’t help her condition and we had to start from scratch. It was hard to be proud of our profession at that moment.
What are the 3 best things you have seen in Podiatry?
As a podiatry business owner …
- Seeing the team come together and bond through our bullying experience. It was very touching to see how much they cared about the business.
As a podiatrist …
- To see an 18-month old who was born premature come in for treatment as she had severe ligamentous laxity and unable to walk because her inner longitudinal arch touched the ground as soon as she stood up. She was able to finally walk due to orthotics that I had made for her. It would the smallest pair I’ve ever had to make it was roughly 8 cm long!
As an observer …
- To see the standards of podiatry lift due to The Hive. Podiatrists are taking more pride in their profession and being more proactive in promoting themselves. Business premises are being renovated; logos updated and made more modern and systems are being implemented.
Other than being a fabulous Podiatrist, what do you do outside of Podiatry?
Sleep … something anyone with kids and full time work can appreciate!
I love my boys to bits and I love spending time with my family and close friends, taking my kids to activities and the occasional Karaoke session. I love going to the movies and I try to dabble in a bit of sewing every now and then.
If you held a dinner party and could invite 9 guests (alive or dead) who would they be?
- My mum (I admire her resilience & faith. After the Vietnam War, she unexpectedly found herself on a crowded fishing boat heading out to sea. She was only 14 and was travelling without her family)
- My Grandfather (He has an amazing life story. He was imprisoned in a re-education camp for being a doctor during the Vietnam War. He has been in Australia since 1991)
- My paternal Grandmother (who passed away when I was 5)
- My husband (my high school sweetheart)
- Anh Do (Comedian and Author to one of my favourite books – The Happiest Refugee)
- Oprah Winfrey
- Steve Jobs
- Jane Austen
- Confucius
This picture of the the Great Wall of China, reminds me of 4 things:
- To get to the top it just takes one step at a time.
- To not forget to enjoy the view on the way up.
- To be grateful for those who have paved the way for me to travel.
- It’s up to me to decide how far I want to go.