Entries by Troy Parsons

The Necessity of Training Your Team

I can’t tell you how many times I have been told, You are better off training your Team members and they leave – than not training your Team members and they stay. Yet for years, training in my practice was next to non-existent. Chet Holmes, author of The Ultimate Sales Machine, describes the following guidelines […]

The Podiatrist Business Plan

Planning – it’s not for everyone and seems to be one of those ‘chores’ we avoid at all costs. Yet planning is vitally important and helps a business chart a course for the achievement of its goals. At the Podiatry Hive, we invest a lot of time in the planning process, because creating a planning […]

Your Time Is Valuable. But Are You Valuing It?

Someone once said to me, ‘If you don’t respect your time, no one else will’. I didn’t really appreciate the significance of this statement at the time.  I have owned my practice for about 10 years, and since the day I started, and about 4 years prior to that, I have been booked out virtually […]

Raising The Bar For Podiatry As A Profession

How’s about the last time you were at a BBQ or dinner party and there’s a few people there you don’t know. Reaching for another drink someone you’ve not met introduces themselves and says ; ‘… so, what do you do?’ Such a simple, innocuous question – which unfortunately makes you sigh ‘here we go […]

Business Culture

When you first opened your practice, how much time, energy and effort did you put into building your culture? … As podiatry business owners we’re often so obsessed with delivering amazing service, the best treatment and getting our patient systems in place that we don’t have time to think about culture. And while these thinga […]

9 Steps To Optimise Your Day

Ever gotten to the end of the day and wondered just what it is you got done today? I know I feel that way often. Or well, I should say I used to… I was THE master at being busy. This however, resulted in me reflecting at the end of the day and not being […]

The Foot Health Check

Please note that the video content on this page is for members only. You will only be able to see the video when you are logged in. A full, annual assessment system for your patients. Let’s call it – regularity or complacency …I’m not sure if you’re guilty of it, but I know in the […]