Are You Prepared To Provide Exceptional Customer Service With Your Current Pricing Structure?
It does happen...every now and then you receive amazing feedback…

The Customer Relationship Management Strategy
(It’s not just the software!)
One of the major concerns practitioners have about Customer Relationship…
(It’s not just the software!)

Why Your Marketing Probably SUCKS!
Ok I want to ask you an honest question.
Do you really have…

Social Media Marketing – Pointless Without Personality
So many Podiatry practices are now using Social Media as…

The 3 Simple Steps to Connect Through Social Media …
Let's be honest.There is a lot of content NOISE around Social…

Communicating Value to Maximise Average Billing Per Patient
Please note that the video content on this page is for members…

CONSISTENCY. Get This Right, and Your Customers Will Come Back Time and Time Again…

Profit is King

Referral System Podiatry

Orthotics: How Do I Get Someone To Buy?
Please note that the video content on this page is for members…