Motivation and Passion

A Guaranteed Way to Become More Passionate and Motivated.


extraordinary passion is a symptom of an exceptional mission Robin Sharma

The 2 most important days of our lives are:

  1. The day we were born
  2. The day we found out why we were born

Everyone is born to do something. Everyone has a purpose.

Our purpose is to serve in someway to add value to our planet or other human beings.

It’s essential that we search and understand what our mission is. Some people learn it early in their life. Others later. Unfortunately many people don’t fully understand what their mission is and sadly lead a life of mediocrity and unfullfilment.

You will live at your full potential when you discover your mission (or what it is you are born to do).

The following diagram illustrates what happens when we create a powerful mission:

Steve Jobs did not have a mission to sell Apple computers.

Steve Jobs mission was much bigger than selling Apple computers.

It was to provide a tool to help people change the world. This is what motivated him. This is what got him out of bed every day.

So how do you know what your mission is? How do you tap into it?

Go inwards.

Your intuition and your heart will guide you there. You just have to listen.

Meditation is one of the best tools to help you. I would also look back over your life – life leaves clues. Many upsets in our lives are moments to learn the truth.

For example, the person who lost their mother to cancer might end up creating a mission to help other people with cancer. Often experiences appear in our lives to help us know what our mission is.

Negative events are constantly popping up in our lives to push us back onto the course that was paved out for us before we were born.

Some great books to help you:

  1. Be … by A.C Ping
  2. The Artists Way … by Julie Cameron

When you discover your purpose, you will become unstoppable.
If you are experiencing demotivation, or procrastination you simply are not clear on your mission.

til next time,
Andrew Roberts

Guest mentor and educator. The Hive