Podiatry Hive Member Profile – Sam Christie

  • Member Profile

    Name: Sam Christie

    Name of Clinic: PodMed Podiatry

    Where do you operate: Double Bay, Sydney, NSW

  • How long have you been in business?

    10 yrs


  • What attracted you to Podiatry?

    I was referred to an American Sports Podiatrist who was on an exchange at the Sports Institute in South Australia.

    He became a part of a rehab program for stress fractures in my lumbar spine. I was around 16yrs old at the time and was already thinking about the possibility of a future career in Sports Medicine. He was a crucial part of discovering the “missing link” in my rehab. A structural leg length discrepancy was being somewhat masked by my foot and ankle function.

    I became intrigued by how we were going to fix the problem. By fixing my feet and ankles it helped to tie everything else together and it all just clicked. I later did some work experience with the Sports Podiatrist and I decided that it would be a great fit for me.

  • What are the 3 crucial elements to your success?

    1. I have a eye for detail.
    2. I really enjoy seeing our clients and our team succeed.
    3. I have always felt a compulsion to work hard and lead from the front in our practice. I’ve realised in recent times that this has been a blessing and a curse.
  • What‘s your philosophy on WHY you’re in business?

    Plain and simple, I love to help people.

    Having my own business helps to deliver this help/assistance in the way we feel is best and to the standards our team has set.

  • What has been your biggest OOPS! moment?

    When I realised I’d been working harder but not smarter – for a really long time. I have always felt a compulsion to work the hardest and lead from the front in that way.

    I’ve realised in recent times that this has been a blessing and a curse. As the practice owner, I stupidly clocked 55hrs a week for nearly 10 yrs, seeing patients and less than an hour a week doing anything that remotely resembled work on improving our practice.

    People close to me kept saying, be careful you are going to burn out! I ignored them and kept on blindly pushing harder. I hit my head against the same wall for years expecting that something would miraculously change and I’d break through to the other side.

    My oops moment was when it became apparent that what I’d been doing wasn’t working. A strong sense of resentment and helplessness began to creep in and I was forced to admit that I needed to make some serious changes.

  • What has been your biggest A-HA! moment?

    I realised that spending quality time working with our team, taking time out for myself and my loved ones has made me far happier and has been equally as rewarding.

  • Can you you share one or two marketing elements or methods you’ve used in your practice, that have been successful, and have provided growth?

    Aligning our team has been hugely successful and has made implementing new ideas and strategies so much easier.

    Also, working in house and communicating more regularly with our existing client base in person, by email and SMS was easy and a no brainer. The clients already know us and in many cases are good referrers (but not necessarily great referrers). I was really surprised at how many of our long term clients didn’t know about all the different things we do! So starting with that was simple and effective.

  • If you had your time over again, what would you do differently?

    Work smarter and learn to let go of some control. Take time to invest in and get to know the team better. When I trust in their talents and abilities – good things started to happen.

  • Other than being a fabulous Podiatrist, what do you do outside of Podiatry?

    I have a great little family who I want to spend lots more time with. My wife Penny and I have a little boy Angus who is 2 1/2 and another baby due in early May so things are about to get a bit busier.

    I play tennis a couple of times a week and I surf or hit the gym whenever I can. I also love going to the Swans footy games – especially when they’re at the SCG. A couple of beers and lunch or dinner after the game is a great way to finish a week.

  • You are a Podiatry Hive BlackBelt Mastermind Member, can you explain what you have learned from BlackBelt and your 3 biggest achievements / wins since joining BlackBelt:

    The best part about BlackBelt has been having the opportunities to share ideas with other Podiatrists who also want to improve their practices.

    Being a practice owner can sometimes be a lonely and difficult job. The BlackBelt group is a great way to make changes, challenge yourself with the support of your group and the Hive team. We share our wins and our losses and are accountable to each other for following through on the goals that we set and the plans we make. My biggest 3 learning’s however would be:

    1. Removing the fear that our practice can’t do well if I’m not working ridiculous hours.
    1. I’ve been able to find the time I needed, to be a much better mentor for our team. We are all way more in tune and aligned with what weare all doing individually, and as a team – and it’s making being at work exciting and so much more rewarding.
    1. I’m starting to enjoy the time I’m having away from work. Getting my life back! Spending more time with the family and friends and not feeling guilty about it. What’s really amazed me is I’m feeling so much more energised and ready to go. I’m getting so much done and I’m really looking forward to the time I’m spending working not just IN, but ON the practice.