Powerhouse Physiotherapy – Suzie Goodall

  • How long have you been in business?

    I started Powerhouse in Feb 2005 so that’s almost 14 years

  • What attracted you to Physiotherapy?

    All I’ve really ever wanted to do was work with elite athletes and travel the world and what better way to do that then to become a sports physio. I wanted to be that one person that got them back on the field. Nothing beats that feeling!

  • What’s driving your passion to be a physiotherapy business owner and how will you pass this on, into your business and practice culture?

    Getting people back better faster stronger than anyone else!

    I think the best way I pass this onto my team is with the energy I exhibit. They see the excitement I have and the reward and satisfaction it brings. It’s contagious!

  • What are the largest business challenges facing you right now?

    First challenge is trying to reduce my treating hours in order to work on the business more instead of in it.

  • What are the 3 worst things you have seen in Physiotherapy?

    1. Lazy physio’s – substitution of hands on for machines
    2. Poor management – physio’s continuing to do the same thing regardless of any improvement, no onward referral for assistance
    3. Lazy, terrible physio’s getting great gigs!
  • What are the 3 best things you have seen in Physiotherapy?

    1. 3 goes and you’re out – one of our values, if there is no change or improvement in your patient’s condition, we re-evaluate, image or refer. More physio’s need to do this
    2. The fact that physios are now permitted to refer patient’s directly for imaging such as MRI, MRA, ultrasounds and PRP/cortisone injections
    3. Physio’s that are willing to share their knowledge with any physio regardless of being in “competition” with them
  • Other than being a fabulous Physiotherapist, what do you do outside of Physiotherapist?

    What! There’s a life outside of physio???? I am guilty of working way too much, but when I do have moments to myself I like to get on my CBR 600 sports motorbike (number plate says “suzie”, play the piano – a slow learning process and sloth on the couch watching a day full of movies.