Podiatry Hive Member Profile – Vanessa Edwards

  • Member Profile

    Name: Vanessa Edwards

    Name of Clinic: Podiatry To You

    Where do you operate: Sydney

  • How long have you been in business?

    I’m only a recent business owner starting 7 months ago. Actually just about one month before I started Podiatry Hive!


  • What attracted you to Podiatry?

    As a Podiatrist you would know we get asked this question a lot. For me it was the ability to help and care for others and the biomechanics and sporting aspects to Podiatry.

  • What’s driving your passion to be a Podiatry business owner and how will you pass this on, into your business and practice culture?

    I always joke with my patients that I could never be a car sales person or a Real Estate Agent because I can never sell anything that I don’t believe in. The core reason I chose to become a Podiatrist was to help and make a difference. With any business it’s about finding like minded individuals who believe in you and your business philosophy and encouraging others to do the same.

  • What are the largest business challenges facing you right now?

    1. Building our patient base
    2. Securing strong relationships with GP’s
    3. Ensuring patient retention
  • What are the 3 worst things you have seen in Podiatry?

    1. One patient hadn’t cut their toenails for 12 months and my goodness they were long!
    2. One patient had a frog in his shoe. We only found it when he took his shoe off (side note: I have a phobia of frogs). It literally hopped around the practice until my colleague ran in to save the day! (thank goodness!)
    3. A huge fluid filled blister covering the entire surface of the patient’s foot. This was caused by a really enthusiastic sales woman from Sketchers who encouraged my patient (a 70 year old women with stage 3 tib post dysfunction) to purchase them for a 30km breast cancer walk.
  • What are the 3 best things you have seen in Podiatry?

    1. When my patients achieve their goals (makes my day any day)
    2. Witnessing one of my patients walk again after a cerebrovascular accident
    3. Seeing the ideas you have and the products you produce make a difference to a patients life (I’m sure most Podiatrists must love it when your patients return with no pain).
  • Other than being a fabulous Podiatrist, what do you do outside of Podiatry?

    I love playing soccer (Football for those in the UK!) both indoor and outdoor. Walking my two dogs, running while the sun is setting and that feeling when you take your first sip of your morning coffee.