Entries by Hive Hero

$1,000 / Hour Work In Your Podiatry Practice

In this video you will learn… Understand WHAT work makes up $10, $100, and $1,000 per hour in your Podiatry practice Learn why you MUST stop spending time on $10 per hour work How much time you need to spend on $1,000 per hour work each week Why planning is critical ; because if you […]

Profit is King

  In this video you will learn… That a buyer is a buyer It’s 16 times easier to get an existing client to buy from you than it is to get a new one A simple way that is guaranteed to improve your profitability One thing you can implement immediately where you will see a […]

Mastering Presenting Skills

?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAYxqPip0Rc&feature=youtu.be In this video you will learn… Why speaking give you authority in your community The types of places you can organise to speak at The key to a great introduction How to organise your contact in any speech The one major thing you should always do at the back end of your speech

Survival To Freedom

Please note that the video content on this page is for members only. You will only be able to see the video when you are logged in. In this video, Greg details… The five stages businesses commonly pass through How to categorise the challenges and your perspective at each stage How it becomes apparent that […]

Referral System Podiatry

That you just need business cards for this system to work Exactly what to ask your clients to generate referrals How a follow up call will double your response The 4 steps required to set this up