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first book ‘Feet First’
in Hive News/by Hive HeroIn Feet First, Troy Parsons and Greg Gunther share their individual stories of highs and lows in both their personal and professional lives. And how two ordinary blokes have achieved extraordinary successes. They knew theirs was a story that would resonate with a lot of people who find themselves in the same situation – regular […]
The Hive to have big presence at Commonwealth Games
in Hive News/by Hive HeroAt the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast in April, the HIVE will be well represented with two of our Coaches and Masterminder Suzie Goodall all on the ground… Greg Gunther has been chosen as a volunteer to support athletes and officials during the competition phase. Suzie Goodall, a Mastermind member from Powerhouse Physiotherapy in […]