Entries by Hive Hero

Creating a Winning Culture in Your Podiatry Practice

Why do we want a good business culture, and how can we create a winning culture? A strong, winning culture brings many benefits – both to the lives of your employees and your patients. It rewards you many, many times over. Culture illustrates the norms, values and behaviour of a team or group. It typically […]

Podiatry Business Owner. Work Life Balance.

How do you think you’re going with the much spoken about ‘work-life-balance’? Often, when busy or focused on one particular project or job we find ourselves off balance and we stop paying attention to important parts of our lives. Getting things done, focusing on your business and work is important, but from time to time […]

Time Leverage. The Key To Getting More Done.

We’re all busy people – there is so much to do each day and sometimes we wish we could simply add more hours to our day. How is it that some people are able to stay on top of things, whilst the rest of us struggle to get our work done? How do they do […]

Maximising Your Financial Impact Through Budgeting

Budgets are one of the most powerful tools a business/practice owner can possess. BUT, there is a difference between a good budget which will give you greater control over your financials, and allow you a greater degree of freedom within your practice versus an ineffective budget that has the ability to confuse you and potentially […]

Balanced Scorecard. Linking Objectives to Meaningful Measures.

When setting goals and creating plans for your practice, how do you do it? Do you set washed-out goals and hope for the best, or do you have a fantastic plan without a clear goal to achieve? These are common mistakes made by business and practice owners alike, and the power of proper goal setting, […]