Involve To Evolve. Asking for Help…
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All the HELP you need is there for the asking ...
... Heard…

Treat Yourself to 4 More Hours in a Day
What would you do if you had 4 more free hours in your day?

Your Time Is Valuable. But Are You Valuing It?
Someone once said to me, ‘If you don’t respect your time,…

Raising The Bar For Podiatry As A Profession
How’s about the last time you were at a BBQ or dinner party…

Become a Key Person of Influence Within Your Community
The word author is short for the word ‘Authority’ ...

Living Your Life Without What If’s.
Where will we ever go in life if we don't take a chance?

Motivation and Passion
“Extraordinary passion is a symptom of an exceptional mission” Robin Sharma The 2 most important days of our lives are: 1) The day we were born. 2) The day we found out why we were born. Everyone is born to do something. Everyone has a purpose.[..]

The Podiatry Business Success Loop
It’s like the decision you make when you decide to get fit.

9 Steps To Optimise Your Day
Ever gotten to the end of the day and wondered just what…

Time Management. Must Do. Should Do. Could Do.
Time management it one of the biggest challenges we face…