
Team Meeting Agenda For A Business Using Asana

In our business, we use a project management app called: ASANA…

Why Culture Eats Strategy For Breakfast … Lessons From A “Corporate Anthropologist”

I was really excited about having booked Michael Henderson (cultural…

Hiring For Cultural Fit

As your Podiatry practice evolves and grows, finding the…

Change Management In Your Practice – The SCARF Model

People don’t hate change; they hate being changed. Think…

Weaving An Organisational Structure Into Your Practice

A 3-Step Guide Growing your practice can be a huge undertaking,…

Should I Break My Arm? How To Move Patients To Another Practitioner

Should I Break My Arm? Well, the answer would be no -…

Creating a Winning Culture in Your Podiatry Practice

Why do we want a good business culture, and how can we create…

The Necessity of Training Your Team

I can't tell you how many times I have been told, You are better…

Coaching For Effective Performance

Coaching team members can go a long way to shaping performance…

Business Culture

When you first opened your practice, how much time, energy…