Entries by Hive Hero

Treat Yourself to 4 More Hours in a Day

What would you do if you had 4 more free hours in your day? You’d probably have a handful of things on your to do list things other than working in your business. Things like preparing dinner for your family, walking your dog, a movie date with your loved one or maybe just spend some […]

Driving Profits In Your Podiatry Practice

I don’t want to do business with those who don’t make a profit, because they can’t give the best service. -Richard Bach Profits determine our ability to grow our practice.If we’re not generating positive cash flows and sustainable profits, our practice is bound to fail. At the Podiatry Hive, we are keen to help you […]

One Page Practice Plan

Often when we brainstorm, or put energy into ?planning? in our business, this swirl of activity is then very often followed by a period of ?in-activity? … This is caused mainly by that feeling of ?I just don?t know where to start? … the good thing to know is that This is normal! ; and […]

Become a Key Person of Influence Within Your Community

The word author is short for the word ‘Authority’ … When you author something, you become someone with authority. People with authority are more often than not, looked up to and respected. When you are positioned as a key person of influence, you begin to attract opportunities instead of chase them. People come to you […]

Living Your Life Without What If’s.

Where will we ever go in life if we don’t take a chance? Yes, taking a leap of faith can be terrifying but many of us don’t act on things we really wish to – purely out of FEAR. Podiatry business owners are no different and at the Hive we often hear business owners ask […]

Cutting Business Expenses: Waste Reduction That Makes Cents!

Every time you write a patient report, photocopy some notes or buy a box of paper clips, you’re incurring expenses. Business expenses can either add value or create waste as we render services to our patients. So, how can we ensure we efficiently convert all our time, money and effort into profits? Business waste can […]

Why Your Marketing Probably SUCKS!

Ok I want to ask you an honest question. Do you really have a Marketing Plan that is written on paper? Are you really clear on exactly what you are working on – marketing wise – over the next 12 months and in particular the next 90 days? If you don’t then I can predict […]

Motivation and Passion

“Extraordinary passion is a symptom of an exceptional mission” Robin Sharma The 2 most important days of our lives are: 1) The day we were born. 2) The day we found out why we were born. Everyone is born to do something. Everyone has a purpose.[..]